About Us

Moved by your stories and driven by your dreams, Springer Literary House LLC is the publication gateway that self-published authors like you are looking for.

Do you wish to publish your own book but don’t know where to start? Do you already have a book published but it’s not getting any attention? Do you hope that readers will find your book and help it rise up the list on Amazon? We are a hybrid publishing company, born of necessity but finely honed by years of experience and collective expertise that we’ve evolved enough to know how we can best be of help to self-published authors, whatever your concerns may be. Backed by human assets of varying skills and proficiencies in publications and marketing, we are confident in our understanding of both your needs as an author and the demands of the literary market.

Springer Literary House ensures that you and your book will grow with us. Our reliable team of literary agents boast of a myriad of specializations spanning book publications, distributions, and marketing. Anchored on our mission to help self-published authors get noticed by readers, e-commerce sites, social media platforms, traditional publishers, film makers, and award-giving bodies, we design and prepare the "best-fit" solutions for you. When you consult with us, we can provide you with researchers, reviewers, editors, illustrators, designers, and digital marketing specialists depending on what your books need in order to achieve its maximum potential at costs that are reasonable for you. Success may come at a cost, but we believe that you don’t need to lose all your hard-earned savings on your way up the ladder.

In the business of helping self-published authors, we take pride in the success of our clients and find joy in every publication milestone that they achieve. Is your book one that will get noticed by traditional publishers? Are you convinced you can land up the list on Amazon’s best selling authors? Do you believe your book has the potential for a movie adaptation? If we think the way you do, then let us do what we do best. Allow us to journey with you and let’s go beyond just another check on your bucket list.

When we say we’ll help you fulfill your dreams from A to Z, you can rest assured that we mean it. We’ve earned our badge as a trusted service provider of author solutions and everyone at Springer Literary House is intent at keeping it.